Ready, set, hack!
Hack your badge and build cool applications on the ESP32-C6! Here are some basic instructions to get you started:
Main firmware/ESP32-C6
Follow the instructions on the ESP32-C6, we recommand VScode as an IDE.
CH32V003 co-processor
Follow the instructions on the CH32V003 repo, the J5 contains all the pins necessary to connect to a WCH link.
Add and display an image
First the convert your image (input.png) by running convert using the mascot.png in the ressource folder as a reference, example:
convert input.png -map mascot.png output.png
Then open main/CMakeLists.txt and add your new file:
EMBED_FILES ${project_dir}/resources/output.png
Add in your file:
extern const uint8_t output_png_start[] asm("_binary_output_png_start");
extern const uint8_t output_png_end[] asm("_binary_output_png_end");
And use pax_insert_png_buf in your code to add the image to the screen buffer:
pax_insert_png_buf(&gfx, output_png_start, output_png_end - output_png_start, 0, 0, 0);