Konsool badge

Back in 2022 we built you a handy games console, pushing the limit’s of what is possible using the original ESP32 microcontroller and even going above and beyond by adding an FPGA into the mix.
This time Konsool will be completely different of course! The device will be the portable computer you wish you had in the 80s. Complete with on-device programming environment, a big screen and a full QWERTY keyboard this device is all the computing power you will need during the event.
The brain
The brand-new ESP32-P4 will be the star of the show, with it’s dual-core 400MHz RISC-V processor, 32MB of RAM and plenty of peripherals for communication the badge will be a showcase of state of the art IOT technology.
WiFi, Bluetooth and even 802.15.4 mesh networking are available thanks to the ESP32-C6 module included on the board.
The plan

The team
The Konsool would not have been possible without the help of our amazing volunteers.
Nick | Name | Role |
r3nz3 | Renze Nicolai | Hardware and Software development |
Ranzbak | Paul Honig | Hardware, Testing and Documentation |
Jhaand | Jelle Haandrikman | Testing and more |
RobotMan2412 | Julian Scheffers | Software and Testing |
Schrodinger’sFestiveKat | Nikolett | Artwork and more |
Orange Murker | Luna | Software and Testing |
NightOwlNL | Emiel Bart | Documentation |
Noor | | |
Joyce NG | | |
Anus | Anne Jan Brouwer | |

1 - Konsool introduction
#Device introduction
#Howto compile and flash firmware
#more information
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
2.1 - Konsool specifications
#Main Processor
ESP32 P4
400 MHz dual core
16MB Flash Storage
#Radio Modules
ESP32 C6
WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee
Ai-Thinker Ra-01S(H)
800x480 MIPI-DSI display
Lithium polymer
#Connections and expansions
Headphone jack
Expansion ports on the side and back
USB-A (Host)
USB-C (Charging)
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
2.1.2 - Konsool ESP-C6
specsheet for ESP-C6, to be reworked into better specification page
2.1.3 - Konsool ESP-P4
To Be added, not yet available from Espressif
2.1.4 - Konsool keyboard
QWERTY dome keyboard by Arturo
2.2.1 - Konsool pinouts
In this section you can find the pinout of the chips and connectors of the device.
2.3 - Konsool expansion boards
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
2.4 - Frontpanel
This page describes how to design and order a Konsool badge frontpanel.
Designing a frontpanel using Inkscape, svg2shenzhen and Kicad
The first step of designing a frontpanel is creating artwork that can be converted into a Kicad footprint. For this Inkscape and the Inkscape plugin svg2shenzhen are used.
Of course it is also possible to use any other method which allows you to import a footprint into Kicad so if you’re using a different method then you can skip ahead to the Kicad section.
Instructions on how to install svg2shenzhen can be found in the readme of the repository.

After opening the design file in Inkscape you will notice that multiple layers are used. Each of the layers in the design corresponds with a Kicad layer, this allows you to define how a shape should appear on the circuit board.
The most important layers are:
- Edge.Cuts: this is the outline of the board, the PCB manufacturer will use a CNC mill to cut the board following the edges of the object on this layer.
- F.Cu and B.Cu: these layers define where to place copper on the front and back of the circuit board.
- F.Mask and B.Mask: all shapes drawn on this layer are cut out of the colored soldermask layer of the board.
- F.SilkS and B.SilkS: these layers are printed on the bront and back silkscreen layer respectively. The silkscreen layer is a non-conductive layer of ink usually used to add reference designators and text to a circuit board.
Mask layer
The mask layers are negative layers, the contents of the layer determine where NOT to place soldermask.Silkscreen
Silkscreen can only be placed on top of solder mask, silkscreen overlapping with any area defined in the mask layers will be removed by the board manufacturer. Keep in mind that Kicad will render the silkscreen in these locations but that this does not match the end result.Edge cut
Round shapes are not correctly exported to Kicad on the Edge.Cuts layer. Workaround is adding a lot more nodes and preferably setting segments to be straight.Export the design to Kicad by navigating to Extensions > Svg2Shenzhen > 2. Export to Kicad...

3 - Konsool software
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
3.1.2 - Software Hub for Konsool
#Uploading, Downloading, Creating, Contributing
3.2.1 - Konsool LoRa
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
3.2.2 - Konsool Software Hub settings
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
3.2.3 - Konsool wifi
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
3.3 - Konsool updating
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
3.3.1 - Konsool apps
(work in progress, please check this page again later)
3.3.2 - Konsool firmware
(work in progress, please check this page again later)