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Konsool connectors

1 - Konsool pinouts

In this section you can find the pinout of the chips and connectors of the device.



1.1 - ESP32-P4 pinout

ESP32-P4 (U8)


Pin numberPin namePin net


GPIODirection / BusFunctionNote
0User controlledInternal Add-On: E2
1OutputCamera GPIO 1 / LED enable
2User controlledJTAG: MTCK, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
3User controlledJTAG: MTDI, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
4User controlledJTAG: MTMS, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
5User controlledJTAG: MTDO, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
6InputInterrupt from CH32V203 coprocessorRead from the coprocessor I2C device to clear the interrupt condition
7Input / User controlledInterrupt from internal Add-On boardCan also be used as GPIO, depending on the needs of the internal Add-On board
8InputInterrupt from ESP32-C6 radioControlled by ESP-HOSTED component
9I2C bus SDAInternal I2C bus dataInternal I2C bus connecting the ESP32-P4 to the ESP32-C6, CH32V203 coprocessor, Bosch sensors and internal Add-On board
10I2C bus SCLInternal I2C bus clockInternal I2C bus connecting the ESP32-P4 to the ESP32-C6, CH32V203 coprocessor, Bosch sensors and internal Add-On board
11InputLCD TE (Tearing effect)Synchronization pin for frame sync, used to avoid tearing
12User controlledSAO: I2C SDA, PMOD: IOCan be used as I2C interface for SAO Add-On boards or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
13User controlledSAO: I2C SCL, PMOD: IOCan be used as I2C interface for SAO Add-On boards or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
14OutputLCD resetHardware reset for the LCD controller
15User controlledSAO: IO1, PMOD: IOCan be used as generic GPIO for SAO Add-On boards or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
16SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: CMDControlled by ESP-HOSTED component
17SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: CLKControlled by ESP-HOSTED component
18SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D0Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
19SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D1Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
20SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D2Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
21SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D3Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
22BidirectionalCH32V203 programming interface: SWDIOFor coprocessor firmware updates
23OutputCH32V203 programming interface: SWCLKFor coprocessor firmware updates
24USBUSB DN, port 1 on USB hub (USB-C port)
25USBUSB DP, port 1 on USB hub (USB-C port)
26User controlledInternal Add-On: USB DN or generic GPIO
27User controlledInternal Add-On: USB DP or generic GPIO
28I2SI2S: data
29I2SI2S: sample clock
30I2SI2S: master clock
31I2SI2S: lr clock
32I3CI2C/I3C QWIIC port: SDA
33I3CI2C/I3C QWIIC port: SCL
34User controlledSAO: IO2, PMOD: IO
35User controlledInternal Add-On: E1
36User controlledInternal Add-On: E0
37Output / User controlledDebug UART transmit
38Input / User controlledDebug UART receive
39SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D0
40SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D1
41SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D2
42SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D3
43SDIO 3.0SD card slot: CLK
44SDIO 3.0SD card slot: CMD
45User controlledInternal Add-On: E3
46User controlledInternal Add-On: E6
47User controlledInternal Add-On: E5
48User controlledInternal Add-On: E4
49User controlledInternal Add-On: E7
50User controlledInternal Add-On: E8
51User controlledInternal Add-On: E9
52User controlledInternal Add-On: E10
53User controlledInternal Add-On: E11
54User controlledInternal Add-On: E12

1.2 - Internal expansion port

Internal expansion port

PinTypePower domainMaximum currentNameP4 GPIOFunction
1PowerVOTG1AVOTG-Supply rail of the USB-A plug, provides 5 volt if OTG boost is enabled or voltage of VSYS when OTG boost is disabled
2USBUSB-C VBUS-HUB_USB1_P-USB port 4 on the internal USB hub, allows add-ons to make a device available to the host PC via the USB-C port
3PowerVBATT (~3.7v)1AVBATT-Direct connection to the Lithium Polymer battery, can also be used to supply current to the device if (AND ONLY IF) there is no battery connected to the battery connector
4USB3.3v-HUB_USB1_N-USB port 4 on the internal USB hub, allows add-ons to make a device available to the host PC via the USB-C port
5PowerVSYS (~3.7-5v)1AVSYS-Same as VBATT but switched by the PMIC, turns off when the device is turned off via the soft power on/off feature
6PowerGND-GND-Ground, voltage reference for all supply rails
7PowerGND-GND-Ground, voltage reference for all supply rails
8Power3.3v1A+3.3V-Regulated 3.3v rail
9I2C3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkINT_SCL10Internal I2C bus SCL signal, can only be used for I2C communication. We recommend connecting an EEPROM for add-on identification to this bus
10I2C3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkINT_SDA9Internal I2C bus SDA signal, can only be used for I2C communication. We recommend connecting an EEPROM for add-on identification to this bus
11GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE036GPIO, needs to remain HIGH level (4.7k pull-up on the mainboard) for USB firmware download boot option to function
12GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE20GPIO
13PowerVSDCARD50mAVSDCARD-Supply rail for the micro SD card socket and some GPIO pins, can either be off, 3.3v or 1.8v depending on card type and communication speed and configuration in software
14GPIOVSDCARD40mA source, 28mA sink (limited by supply rail)E345GPIO, uses VSDCARD supply rail!
15GPIOVSDCARD40mA source, 28mA sink (limited by supply rail)E448GPIO, uses VSDCARD supply rail!
16GPIOVSDCARD40mA source, 28mA sink (limited by supply rail)E547GPIO, uses VSDCARD supply rail!
17GPIOVSDCARD40mA source, 28mA sink (limited by supply rail)E646GPIO, uses VSDCARD supply rail!
18GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkEXT_INT7GPIO, connected to GPIO in low power domain: can be used to wake up the ESP32-P4 from deep sleep, if the add-on requires an interrupt pin we recommend connecting it here, otherwise this pin can be used like any other GPIO
19GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE1254GPIO
20GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE749GPIO
21GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE1153GPIO
22GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkEXT_USB_P27GPIO, USB full-speed PHY D+: can be used as either normal GPIO or to connect an USB device to the ESP32-P4
23GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE1052GPIO
24GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkEXT_USB_N26GPIO, USB full-speed PHY D-: can be used as either normal GPIO or to connect an USB device to the ESP32-P4
25GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE951GPIO
26GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkP4_TX37GPIO
27GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkE850GPIO
28GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkP4_RX38GPIO
29GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkI2S_MCLK30GPIO
30GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkI2S_LRCK31GPIO
31GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkI2S_DATA28GPIO
32GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkI2S_SCLK29GPIO
33Power3.3v1A+3.3V-Regulated 3.3v rail
34GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkI3C_SDA33GPIO, connected to the QWIIC connector, I3C peripheral SDA pin
35PowerGND-GND-Ground, voltage reference for all supply rails
36GPIO3.3v40mA source, 28mA sinkI3C_SCL32GPIO, connected to the QWIIC connector, I3C peripheral SCL pin

Limitations & warnings

  • Total for all 3.3v outputs must not exceed 1A of current. It is generally adviced to stay well below this figure.
  • VSDCARD power rail can supply at most 100mA total to both the SD card and the expansion header.
  • Do not exceed a current of 1A from or to the battery when the battery is connected to the internal battery connector.