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IC pinouts

IC pinout mapping to functions on the board.

1 - CH32V203 pinout


Pin NumberPin NameNet NameDirectionNotes
1VBATVBATPowerRegulated 2.5V supply
2PC13POWER_ON_PULSEOutputEmit pulse to wake up badge
3PC14XTALInputCrystal Oscillator
4PC15XTALInputCrystal Oscillator
5PD0AMP_ENOutputEnable audio speaker amplifier
6PD1USB_ENABLEOutputEnable to USB-A OTG port
8VSSAVSSAPowerAnalog Ground
9VDDAVDDAPowerAnalog Power
10PA0INTOutputInterrupt line to ESP32-P4
11PA1KB_ROW5OutputKeyboard IO
12PA2KB_ROW8OutputKeyboard IO
13PA3KB_ROW4OutputKeyboard IO
14PA4KB_ROW3OutputKeyboard IO
15PA5KB_ROW7OutputKeyboard IO
16PA6KB_ROW6OutputKeyboard IO
17PA7KB_COL3InputKeyboard IO
18PB0KB_COL7InputKeyboard IO
19PB1KB_COL2InputKeyboard IO
20PB2/BOOT1KB_COL6InputKeyboard IO
21PB10PM_SCLOutputI2C Clock PMIC (Power controller)
22PB11PM_SDABidirectionalI2C Data PMIC
24VDDIO1+3.3VPowerPower Supply
25PB12KB_COL1InputKeyboard IO
26PB13KB_COL5InputKeyboard IO
27PB14KB_COL0InputKeyboard IO
28PB15KB_COL4InputKeyboard IO
29PA8KB_ROW0OutputKeyboard IO
30PA9KB_ROW1OutputKeyboard IO
31PA10KB_ROW2OutputKeyboard IO
32PA11LED_DATAOutputSerial data to SK6805 LEDs
33PA12POWER_BTNInputPower button input (low when pressed)
34PA13SWDIOBidirectionalDebug Interface CH32V203
36VDD2+3.3VPowerPower Supply
37PA14SWCLKOutputDebug Clock
38PA15SD_DETInputSD card detect
39PB3KEYBOARD_BLOutputEnable backlight Keyboard
40PB4DISPLAY_BLOutputEnable backlight display
41PB5HP_DETInputHead phone detect
42PB6SCLinputI2C Clock shared bus
43PB7SDABidirectionalI2C Data shared bus
44BOOT0DCAM_IO0OutputCamera module power enable (if present)
45PB8RADIO_ENABLE / CAM_IO0OutputEnable C6 and MIPI_CSI camera IO 0
46PB9PM_INTInputInterrupt signal PMIC

2 - ESP32C6 pinout


ESP32 Pin table

3ENENInputEnable signal from the CH32V203
4IO4LORA_DIO1InputLoRa IRQ (Interrupt)
5IO5LORA_BUSYInputLoRa Busy Signal
6IO6I2C_SDABidirectionalI2C Data Line
7IO7I2C_SCLInputI2C Clock Line
9IO1LORA_CSOutputLoRa SPI Chip Select
10IO8INTOutputInterrupt line to ESP32-P4
11IO10LORA_RESETOutputLoRa Reset
13IO12C6_USB1_NBidirectionalVia USB hub to USB-C port
14IO13C6_USB1_PBidirectionalVia USB hub to USB-C port
15IO9BOOTInputBOOT mode select and VUSB (USB-A power) enable line
16IO18SDIO_CMDBidirectionalSDIO bus to P4 Command
17IO19SDIO_CLKOutputSDIO bus to P4 Clock
18IO20SDIO_DATA0BidirectionalSDIO bus to P4 Data Line 0
19IO21SDIO_DATA1BidirectionalSDIO bus to P4 Data Line 1
20IO22SDIO_DATA2BidirectionalSDIO bus to P4 Data Line 2
21IO23SDIO_DATA3BidirectionalSDIO bus to P4 Data Line 3
23IO15IR_LEDOutputInfrared LED Control
24RXD0RXInputUART to P4 Receive
25TXD0TXOutputUART to P4 Transmit

3 - ESP32-P4 pinout

ESP32-P4 (U8)


Pin numberPin namePin net


GPIODirection / BusFunctionNote
0User controlledInternal Add-On: E2
1InputInterrupt from CH32V203 coprocessorHigh on interrupt from CH32 co-processor
2User controlledJTAG: MTCK, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
3User controlledJTAG: MTDI, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
4User controlledJTAG: MTMS, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
5User controlledJTAG: MTDO, PMOD: IOCan be used as JTAG interface or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
6InputE1 expansion + Camera module LED enableRead from the coprocessor I2C device to clear the interrupt condition
7Input / User controlledInterrupt from internal Add-On boardCan also be used as GPIO, depending on the needs of the internal Add-On board
8InputInterrupt from ESP32-C6 radioControlled by ESP-HOSTED component
9I2C bus SDAInternal I2C bus dataInternal I2C bus connecting the ESP32-P4 to the ESP32-C6, CH32V203 coprocessor, Bosch sensors and internal Add-On board
10I2C bus SCLInternal I2C bus clockInternal I2C bus connecting the ESP32-P4 to the ESP32-C6, CH32V203 coprocessor, Bosch sensors and internal Add-On board
11InputLCD TE (Tearing effect)Synchronization pin for frame sync, used to avoid tearing
12User controlledSAO: I2C SDA, PMOD: IOCan be used as I2C interface for SAO Add-On boards or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
13User controlledSAO: I2C SCL, PMOD: IOCan be used as I2C interface for SAO Add-On boards or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
14OutputLCD resetHardware reset for the LCD controller
15User controlledSAO: IO1, PMOD: IOCan be used as generic GPIO for SAO Add-On boards or as generic GPIO on the external Add-On connector
16SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: CMDControlled by ESP-HOSTED component
17SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: CLKControlled by ESP-HOSTED component
18SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D0Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
19SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D1Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
20SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D2Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
21SDIO 2.0SDIO bus for ESP32-C6: D3Controlled by ESP-HOSTED component
22BidirectionalCH32V203 programming interface: SWDIOFor coprocessor firmware updates
23OutputCH32V203 programming interface: SWCLKFor coprocessor firmware updates
24USBUSB DN, port 1 on USB hub (USB-C port)
25USBUSB DP, port 1 on USB hub (USB-C port)
26User controlledInternal Add-On: USB DN or generic GPIOPin 24
27User controlledInternal Add-On: USB DP or generic GPIOPin 22
28I2SI2S: dataInternal I2S to the DAC towards headphone jack and speaker
29I2SI2S: sample clockInternal I2S to the DAC towards headphone jack and speaker
30I2SI2S: master clockInternal I2S to the DAC towards headphone jack and speaker
31I2SI2S: lr clockInternal I2S to the DAC towards headphone jack and speaker
32I3CI2C/I3C QWIIC port: SCLConnected to external I3C connector
33I3CI2C/I3C QWIIC port: SDAConnected to external I3C connector
34User controlledSAO: IO2, PMOD: IO
35User controlledInternal Add-On: E1 / BOOT1 during reset release SPI boot, 0 is DEBUG (page 32 data sheet) (Connected up to volume down button)
36User controlledInternal Add-On: E0Depending on fuses can influence boot
37Output / User controlledDebug UART transmitPin 26 on the back expansion
38Input / User controlledDebug UART receivePin 28 on the back expansion
39SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D0
40SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D1
41SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D2
42SDIO 3.0SD card slot: D3
43SDIO 3.0SD card slot: CLK
44SDIO 3.0SD card slot: CMD
45User controlledInternal Add-On: E6Pin 17 Back expansion header
46User controlledInternal Add-On: E3Pin 14 Back expansion header
47User controlledInternal Add-On: E4Pin 15 Back expansion header
48User controlledInternal Add-On: E5Pin 16 Back expansion header
49User controlledInternal Add-On: E7Pin 20 Back expansion header
50User controlledInternal Add-On: E8Pin 27 Back expansion header
51User controlledInternal Add-On: E9Pin 25 Back expansion header
52User controlledInternal Add-On: E10Pin 23 Back expansion header
53User controlledInternal Add-On: E11Pin 21 Back expansion header
54User controlledInternal Add-On: E12Pin 19 Back expansion header