CH32V203 pinout

Pin Number | Pin Name | Net Name | Direction | Notes |
1 | VBAT | VBAT | Power | Regulated 2.5V supply |
2 | PC13 | POWER_ON_PULSE | Output | Emit pulse to wake up badge |
3 | PC14 | XTAL | Input | Crystal Oscillator |
4 | PC15 | XTAL | Input | Crystal Oscillator |
5 | PD0 | AMP_EN | Output | Enable audio speaker amplifier |
6 | PD1 | USB_ENABLE | Output | Enable to USB-A OTG port |
7 | NRST | NRST | Input | 3V3 |
8 | VSSA | VSSA | Power | Analog Ground |
9 | VDDA | VDDA | Power | Analog Power |
10 | PA0 | INT | Output | Interrupt line to ESP32-P4 |
11 | PA1 | KB_ROW5 | Output | Keyboard IO |
12 | PA2 | KB_ROW8 | Output | Keyboard IO |
13 | PA3 | KB_ROW4 | Output | Keyboard IO |
14 | PA4 | KB_ROW3 | Output | Keyboard IO |
15 | PA5 | KB_ROW7 | Output | Keyboard IO |
16 | PA6 | KB_ROW6 | Output | Keyboard IO |
17 | PA7 | KB_COL3 | Input | Keyboard IO |
18 | PB0 | KB_COL7 | Input | Keyboard IO |
19 | PB1 | KB_COL2 | Input | Keyboard IO |
20 | PB2/BOOT1 | KB_COL6 | Input | Keyboard IO |
21 | PB10 | PM_SCL | Output | I2C Clock PMIC (Power controller) |
22 | PB11 | PM_SDA | Bidirectional | I2C Data PMIC |
23 | VSS1 | GND | Power | Ground |
24 | VDDIO1 | +3.3V | Power | Power Supply |
25 | PB12 | KB_COL1 | Input | Keyboard IO |
26 | PB13 | KB_COL5 | Input | Keyboard IO |
27 | PB14 | KB_COL0 | Input | Keyboard IO |
28 | PB15 | KB_COL4 | Input | Keyboard IO |
29 | PA8 | KB_ROW0 | Output | Keyboard IO |
30 | PA9 | KB_ROW1 | Output | Keyboard IO |
31 | PA10 | KB_ROW2 | Output | Keyboard IO |
32 | PA11 | LED_DATA | Output | Serial data to SK6805 LEDs |
33 | PA12 | POWER_BTN | Input | Power button input (low when pressed) |
34 | PA13 | SWDIO | Bidirectional | Debug Interface CH32V203 |
35 | VSS2 | GND | Power | Ground |
36 | VDD2 | +3.3V | Power | Power Supply |
37 | PA14 | SWCLK | Output | Debug Clock |
38 | PA15 | SD_DET | Input | SD card detect |
39 | PB3 | KEYBOARD_BL | Output | Enable backlight Keyboard |
40 | PB4 | DISPLAY_BL | Output | Enable backlight display |
41 | PB5 | HP_DET | Input | Head phone detect |
42 | PB6 | SCL | input | I2C Clock shared bus |
43 | PB7 | SDA | Bidirectional | I2C Data shared bus |
44 | BOOT0 | DCAM_IO0 | Output | Camera module power enable (if present) |
45 | PB8 | RADIO_ENABLE / CAM_IO0 | Output | Enable C6 and MIPI_CSI camera IO 0 |
46 | PB9 | PM_INT | Input | Interrupt signal PMIC |
47 | VSS3 | GND | Power | GND |
48 | VDDIO3 | +3.3V | Power | Power |