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Konsool specifications

#Main Processor ESP32 P4 400 MHz dual core 32MB PSRAM 16MB Flash Storage

#Radio Modules ESP32 C6 WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee Ai-Thinker Ra-01S(H)

#I/O CH32V003

#Display 800x480 MIPI-DSI display

#Battery Lithium polymer

#Connections and expansions Headphone jack Expansion ports on the side and back USB-A (Host) USB-C (Charging) (work in progress, please check this page again later)

1 - Konsool battery

2 - Konsool ESP-C6

specsheet for ESP-C6, to be reworked into better specification page

3 - Konsool ESP-P4


To Be added, not yet available from Espressif

4 - Konsool keyboard


QWERTY dome keyboard by Arturo

5 - Konsool screen