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MCH2022 Badge Hardware

Block diagram

The badge contains a huge amount of awesome chips, so many that a block diagram is necessary to explain how everything is interconnected.

Block diagram

The ESP32 is at the center of the operation. It has access to almost all the peripherals on the badge and using its WiFi connectivity it can load new firmware and applications from the internet.

The RP2040 microcontroller provides USB connectivity consisting of two serial ports (for the ESP32 and the FPGA), WebUSB for managing the badge using your browser and HID for acting like a keyboard, mouse or joystick. It also drives the SK6812-EC15 addressable LEDs, giving the badge a lot of bling and eyecandy. To top it off a lot of the I/O pins of the RP2040 have been broken out, both as the IO pins of the SAO connector and as testpads next to the prototyping areas on the back of the badge.

The ICE40UP5K FPGA is programmed over an SPI connection by the ESP32. Using this connection the FPGA can also communicate with the application running on the ESP32. Our goal is to enable people to learn about HDL programming so new bitstreams can easily be loaded into the FPGA by user applications, to provide any function you want ranging from a simple LED blinker to a RISC-V SoC. To accomodate more advanced designs the FPGA is connected to the LCD display via a parallel bus, enabling it to update the display at high refresh rates, as well as 8MB of PSRAM via a Quad-SPI bus. 8 of the I/O pins of the FPGA have been broken out as an industry standard PMOD header, allowing users to connect standard expansion modules or their own creations.


Datasheets and Resources

  • ESP32 datasheet the datasheet for the main processor
  • ESP32 technical reference technical reference for the main processor. This contains information about the features of the chip, so technically, it belongs in the firmware section, but … whatever.
  • WROVER datasheet datasheet of the module. The processor is packed together with peripherals necessary for operations in a module (WROVER) nuder a metallic can.
  • RP2040 documentation site and datasheet
  • Lattice ICE40UP5K - iCE40UltraPlus documentation site and datasheet
  • BME680 4 in 1 gas sensor. (temperature, humidity, air pressure and volatile organic compounds (VOC)
  • BNO055 accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer sensor
  • Display also have a look here
  • SK6812-EC15 addressable RGB - LEDs (aka Neopixel)
  • MS4344 Audio DAC

1 - MCH2022 badge pinouts


SAO (Shitty AddOn)

Addon connector following the SHITTY ADD-ON V1.69BIS standard.

1VCCPower output3.3v supply voltage output
2GNDPower outputGround reference
3SDAData IOI2C bus data
4SCLData outputI2C bus clock
5GPIO1Data IOUser configurable IO, connected to RP2040 GPIO18
6GPIO2Data IOUser configurable IO, connected to RP2040 GPIO19

PMOD (peripheral module interface)


The PMOD connector is wired up to the iCE40 FPGA. Note that while the connector is physically located on the backside of the badge, it has been wired up such that the PMOD’s top side must be pointed in the same direction as the badge’s top.

PMOD pinICE40 pinNote
147IOB_2a (paired with PMOD pin 7 IOB_3b_G6)
248IOB_4a (paired with PMOD pin 8 IOB_5b)
34IOB_8a (paired with PMOD pin 9 IOB_9b)
744IOB_3b_G6 (paired with PMOD pin 1 IOB_2a)
845IOB_5b (paired with PMOD pin 2 IOB_4a)
93IOB_9b (paired with PMOD pin 3 IOB_8a)



ESP32 GPIODirectionFunctionNote
0BothI2S master clock output / UART download select inputDrives I2S DAC / driven by RP2040 through resistor
1OutputUART TXConnected to RP2040
2BothSD card data 0SD card slot
3InputUART RXConnected to RP2040
4OutputI2S bit clock
5OutputLED dataConnected to the SK6805 LEDs in the kite
12OutputI2S LR channel select
13OutputI2S data
14OutputSD clockSD card slot
15OutputSD commandSD card slot
18OutputSPI clockConnected to LCD and FPGA
19OutputSD card and kite LED power controlSet high to enable power to LEDs and SD card
21OutputI2C clockConnected to RP2040, BNO055, BME680, Qwiic connector and SAO addon connector
22BothI2C dataConnected to RP2040, BNO055, BME680, Qwiic connector and SAO addon connector
23OutputSPI MOSIData from ESP32 to LCD / FPGA
25BothLCD resetSet to output low to reset LCD, leave floating normally
26OutputLCD modeLow: LCD in SPI mode, high: LCD in parallel mode
27OutputSPI chip select for ICE40Low: select ICE40, high: deselect ICE40
32BothSPI chip select for LCDLow: select LCD, high: deselect LCD. Note: output in LCD SPI mode, input in LCD parallel mode
33BothLCD DC (data or command) selectionNote: output in LCD SPI mode, input in LCD parallel mode
34InputInterrupt from RP2040
35InputSPI MISOConnected to ICE40
36 (SENSOR_VP)InputInterrupt from position sensor (BNO055)
39 (SENSOR_VN)InputInterrupt from ICE40 FPGA


RP2040 GPIODirectionPullFunctionDescription
2BothI2C1 SDAI2C bus data (RP2040 is in slave mode)
3InputI2C1 SCLI2C bus clock
4InputUpGPIOButton: MENU
5InputUpGPIOButton: HOME
6InputUpGPIOButton: ACCEPT
7InputUpGPIOButton: Joystick A
8InputUpGPIOButton: Joystick B
9InputUpGPIOButton: Joystick C
10InputUpGPIOButton: Joystick D
11InputUpGPIOButton: Joystick E
12BothGPIOESP32 bootloader mode¹
13OutputGPIOESP32 enable
14BothGPIOESP32 interrupt¹
15OutputPWMLCD backlight brightness
16BothGPIOAvailable next to prototyping area
17BothGPIOAvailable next to prototyping area
20InputGPIOFPGA done
21OutputGPIOFPGA reset
22InputUpGPIOButton: START
23InputGPIOLiPo charger state
26InputUpGPIOButton: BACK
27OutputGPIOInfrared LED
28InputADCVoltage measurement: USB input
29InputADCVoltage measurement: Battery

¹: Set to input normally and force low to activate


ICE40 pinICE40 GPIODirectionDescriptionNotes
2IOB_6aBothPMOD pin 4
3IOB_8aBothPMOD pin 3
4IOB_9bBothPMOD pin 9
6IOB_13bInputUART RX
9IOB_16aOutputUART TX
11IOB_20aOutputLCD register select
12IOB_22bBothRAM SPI D2
13IOB_24aBothRAM SPI D1
18IOB_31bOutputRAM SPI CS
19IOB_29bOutputRAM SPI SCK
20IOB_25b_G3BothRAM SPI D3
21IOB_23bBothRAM SPI D0
23IOT_37aOutputLCD write
25IOT_36bInputLCD frame sync
26IOT_39aOutputLCD data 0
27IOT_38aOutputLCD data 1
28IOT_41aOutputLCD CS
31IOT_42bOutputLCD data 2
32IOT_43aOutputLCD data 3
34IOT_44bOutputLCD data 4
35IOT_46b_G0Input12MHz clock
36IOT_48bOutputLCD resetActive-low, drive open-drain
37IOT_45a_G1OutputLCD data 5
38IOT_50bOutputLCD data 6
42IOT_51aOutputLCD data 7
43IOT_49aInputLCD modeShould be driven by ESP and monitored by FPGA
44IOB_3b_G6BothPMOD pin 7
45IOB_5bBothPMOD pin 8
46IOB_0aBothPMOD pin 10
47IOB_2aBothPMOD pin 1
48IOB_4aBothPMOD pin 2

2 - MCH2022 Badge Hardware Hacking

The badge is made for hacking, and the hardware is no exception. There are several intended ways to extend the badge, next to unlimited unintented ones.

If you have access to a 3D printer, an easy and worthwile hardware mod is to print a knob for the joystick, such as this one or a case.

Shitty Add-on

The badge has a SAO header, which can provide power, I2C, and 2 GPIOs to small accessories that can be plugged in.


At the back of the badge there is a Qwiic connector hooked up to the ESP32 that is compatible with a large family of modules from Sparkfun, Adafruit and others.


On the side of the badge there is a PMOD connector hooked up to the FPGA that is compatible with a large family of modules from Digilent and others.

May Contain Hardware Area

On the back of the badge there is a prototyping area with a grid of pads, as well as pads the expose I2C, power, and GPIOs.

Across the rest of the PCB are labeled pads that expose things like the LED serial data, audio signal, IR signal, various debug pads, and more.