Getting Help (and helping)

You’re on the main documentation site for The Badge.

We hope that we’ll be able to centralize all documentation efforts here, but who knows what happens at camps.

We would be very happy to accept pull request (TODO link to how to make a good PR) if you find the documentation lacking and feel you are able to make improvements. The documentation project lives in this github repository

If you feel your Badge is broken, go HERE first!

Random Resources for Getting Help

But I want to chat with somebody …

And if you’re reading this at MCH2022, just come by our tent

Overview of the main github Repos you can contribute to …

You can find the sources and hardware files for all Badge artefacts files under the organization:

Non-Specific Resources


  • reddit/r/esp32
  • rp2040 (todo)
  • micropython
  • lattice
  • yosys fpga getting started general
Last modified July 26, 2024: Small fixes to the 80s mascots (4ffb0fe)