
The display module is available on platforms which have the framebuffer driver enabled. It allows for controlling the display of your device.

Available on:    ✅ CampZone 2020    ✅ Disobey 2020    ✅ CampZone 2019    ✅ HackerHotel 2019
Disobey 2019    ✅ SHA2017


flush[flags]Flush the contents of the framebuffer to the display. Optionally you may provide flags (see the table down below)
size[window]Get the size (width, height) of the framebuffer or a window as a tuple
width[window]Get the width of the framebuffer or a window as an integer
height[window]Get the height of the framebuffer or a window as an integer
orientation[window], [angle]Get or set the orientation of the framebuffer or a window
getPixel[window], x, yGet the color of a pixel in the framebuffer or a window
drawRaw[window], x, y, width, height, dataCopy a raw bytes buffer directly to the framebuffer or the current frame of a window. The length of the bytes buffer must match the formula width*height*(bitsPerPixel//8). This is a direct copy: color format (bitsPerPixel) must match the specific display of the badge this command is used on.
drawPixel[window], x, y, colorDraw a pixel in the framebuffer or a window
drawFill[window], colorFill the framebuffer or a window
drawLine[window], x0, y0, x1, y1, colorDraw a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1)
drawTri(angle)[window], x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorDraws a filled triangle
drawRect[window], x, y, width, height, filled, colorDraw a rectangle at (x, y) with size (width, height). Set the filled parameter to False to draw only the border, or set it to True to draw a filled rectangle.
drawQuad*[window], x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colorDraws a four-pointed shape between (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3), always filled
drawCircle[window], x0, y0, radius, a0, a1, fill, colorDraw a circle with center point (x0, y0) with the provided radius from angle a0 to angle a1, optionally filled (boolean)
drawText[window], x, y, text, [color], [font], [x-scale], [y-scale]Draw text at (x, y) with a certain color and font. Can be scaled (drawn with rects instead of pixels) in both the x and y direction
drawPng[window], x, y, [data or filename]Draw a PNG image at (x, y) from either a bytes buffer or a file
getTextWidthtext, [font]Get the width a string would take if drawn with a certain font
getTextHeighttext, [font]Get the height a string would take if drawn with a certain font
pngInfo[data or filename]Get information about a PNG image
windowCreatename, width, height
windowMovename, x, y
windowResizename, width, height
windowVisibilityname, [visible]
translate*[window], x, yMove the canvas of the window by (x, y)
rotate*[window], angleRotate the canvas of the window by an angle (in randians)
scale*[window], x, yScale the canvas of the window by (x, y)
pushMatrix*[window]Save the current transformation for later, may be more than one
popMatrix*[window]Restore the transformation pushed earlier, may be more than one
clearMatrix*[window], [keep-stack]Clears the current matrix, and also the matrix stack unless keep-stack is true
getMatrix*[window]Returns an array representing the current matrix for the window
setMatrix*[window], [matrix]Sets the current matrix to the array representing it
matrixSize*[window]Returns the current size of the matrix stack for the window

* This command is only available if you run a firmware with graphics acceleration, and the respective part enabled in the component config under Driver: framebuffer. Currently, badges have these features disabled by default.

FLAG_FORCEAllForce flushing the entire screen.
FLAG_FULLAllForce flushing the entire screen.
FLAG_LUT_GREYSCALEAll with greyscale: SHA2017Simulate greyscale.
FLAG_LUT_NORMALAll with e-inkNormal speed flush.
FLAG_LUT_FASTAll with e-inkFaster flush.
FLAG_LUT_FASTESTAll with e-inkMuch faster flush.

Color representation

Colors are always represented in 24-bit from within Python, in the 0xRRGGBB format. This matches HTML/CSS colors which are #RRGGBB as well.

Devices with a smaller colorspace will not actually store the exact color information provided. For displays with a color depth of less than 24-bit the display driver will automatically mix down the colors to the available color depth. This means that even if you have a black and white display 0x000000 is black and 0xFFFFFF is white.


Setting one pixel

import display
x = 2
y = 3
display.drawPixel(x, y, 0x00FF00)  # Set one pixel to 100% green
display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display

Drawing a line

import display
display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black
display.drawLine(10, 10, 20, 20, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw a white line from (10,10) to (20,20)
display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display

Drawing a line using pixels:

import display, time
display.drawFill(display.BLACK) # Fill the screen with black before drawing the line
display.flush() # Write the color to the screen before drawing the line
for i in range(80): # Loop for the X axis
    display.drawPixel(i, 1, 0x00FF00) # Set 1 pixel on the X axis i, and the Y axis 1 to 100% green 
    display.flush() # Write the pixel output to the screen
    time.sleep(0.050) # Sleep for 50 milliseconds as to show the line being drawn

Drawing text

import display
display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black
display.drawText(10, 10, "Hello world!", 0xFFFFFF, "permanentmarker22") # Draw the text "Hello world!" at (10,10) in white with the PermanentMarker font with size 22
display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display

Drawing a rectangle

import display
display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black
display.drawRect(10, 10, 10, 10, False, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw the border of a 10x10 rectangle at (10,10) in white
display.drawRect(30, 30, 10, 10, True, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw a filled 10x10 rectangle at (30,30) in white
display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display

Spinning a box

Note: as described earlier, matrix transformations are not enabled in the firmware by default

import display, math
# Note: radians are an angle unit where PI (math.pi) is half a rotation
display.clearMatrix() # Clear the matrix stack, just in case it wasn't already
display.translate(display.width() / 2, display.height() / 2) # Go to the middle of the screen
    # Everything is now offset as if the middle of the screen is X/Y (0, 0)
while True:
    display.drawFill(0xffffff) # Fill the screen with white
    display.rotate(math.pi * 0.1) # This will continually rotate the screen by a small amount
    display.drawRect(-20, -20, 40, 40, True, 0x000000) # Simply draw a rectangle, which will then spin
    display.flush() # Flush, show everything

Spinning text

Note: as described earlier, matrix transformations are not enabled in the firmware by default

Similarly to spinning a box, you can also spin text this way.

import display, math
# Note: radians are an angle unit where PI (math.pi) is half a rotation
text = "Well hello there!" # Whatever you want to show
font = "7x5" # Pick a font
scale = 2 # You can scale text, too!
display.clearMatrix() # Clear the matrix stack, just in case it wasn't already
display.translate(display.width() / 2, display.height() / 2) # Go to the middle of the screen
    # Everything is now offset as if the middle of the screen is X/Y (0, 0)
while True:
    display.drawFill(0xffffff) # Fill the screen with white
    display.rotate(math.pi * 0.1) # This will continually rotate the screen by a small amount
    textWidth = display.getTextWidth(text, font) # Get the size so we can center the text
    textHeight = display.getTextHeight(text, font)
    display.pushMatrix() # Save the transformation for later
    display.scale(scale, scale) # Scale the text
    display.translate(-textWidth / 2, -textHeight / 2) # Move the canvas so the text is centered
        # It is important you scale first, then translate
    display.drawText(0, 0, text, 0x000000, font) # Spinny texts
    display.popMatrix() # Restore the transformation
    display.flush() # Flush, show everything

More complex graphics

Note: as described earlier, matrix transformations are not enabled in the firmware by default

Now you’ve spun a box and some text, what about something more complicated?
Let’s say we draw a boat on a wave!

First, we draw the boat using some shapes:

import display, math

def drawBoat():
    display.translate(-4, 0) # Move just a little so the mast lines up nicely
    drawBoatMast(0x000000, 0x000000)

def drawBoatMast(mastColor, flagColor):
    # The points drawn, by place:
    # 0--1
    # |  |
    # |  6
    # |  |\
    # |  5-4
    # |  |
    # 3--2
    x0, y0 = 0, -23
    x1, y1 = 3, -23
    x2, y2 = 3, 0
    x3, y3 = 0, 0
    x4, y4 = 12, -10
    x5, y5 = 3, -10
    x6, y6 = 3, -20
    display.drawQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, mastColor) # This is the mast: points 0, 1, 2, 3
    display.drawTri(x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6, flagColor) # This is the flag: points 4, 5, 6

def drawBoatBottom(color):
    # The points drawn, by place:
    # 0--------1
    #  \      /
    #   3----2
    x0, y0 = -20, 0
    x1, y1 = 20, 0
    x2, y2 = 16, 8
    x3, y3 = -16, 8
    display.drawQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color)

Now, to test your boat drawing action:

import display, math

# Put the boat drawing functions here

display.clearMatrix() # Don't forget
display.translate(30, 30) # Move to where you want to draw the boat
display.drawFill(0xffffff) # Clear the screen once more
drawBoat() # Draw the boat of course
display.flush() # Flush display; boat is now visible

Then, we’ll draw a wave and a sun:

import display, math

def drawSun(color): # Draws the sun with a circle and some lines
    display.translate(-3, -3 - display.height()) # This is where the sun will orbit around
        # We do - display.height() here because we set the origin to be at the bottom of the screen earlier
    display.drawCircle(0, 0, 30, 0, 360, True, color) # The sun
    for i in range(20): # Draw lines as the sun's rays
        display.rotate(math.pi / 10)
        display.drawLine(0, 35, 0, 45, color)

# For good measure.

display.translate(0, display.height())

sunOffset = 0
offset = 0
boatX = display.width() / 6
boatAngle = 0
boatY = 0

while True:
    drawSun(0x000000) # Draw the sun
    for i in range(display.width()): # Draw the waves by plotting points
        wave = math.sin((i + offset) * math.pi / 35) * 8 - 35
        display.drawPixel(i, wave, 0x000000)
        if i & 1:
            for j in range(round(wave - 1) | 1, 0, 2):
                display.drawPixel(i, j + ((i >> 1) & 1) + 1, 0x000000)
    offset += 8 # Move the waves over by a bit
    sunOffset += math.pi * 0.025 # Spin the sun by a bit

Finally, you can draw the boat on the wave, by adding some code:

while True:
    for i in range(display.width()):
        wave = math.sin((i + offset) * math.pi / 35) * 8 - 35
        display.drawPixel(i, wave, 0x000000)
        if i & 1:
            for j in range(round(wave - 1) | 1, 0, 2):
                display.drawPixel(i, j + ((i >> 1) & 1) + 1, 0x000000)
    # vvvv HERE vvvv
    display.pushMatrix() # Save the transformation, we're going to mess with it
    waterLevelBeforeBoat = math.sin((boatX + 2 + offset) * math.pi / 35) * 8 - 35
    boatY = math.sin((boatX + offset) * math.pi / 35) * 8 - 35
        # Calculate the two water levels, one at and one before the boat
        # By doing this, we know how and where to position the boat
    boatAngle = math.atan2(waterLevelBeforeBoat - boatY, 2) # Using atan2 to find the angle required to rock the boat with the wave
    display.translate(boatX, boatY - 6) # Now, position the boat
    drawBoat() # And draw the boat
    display.popMatrix() # Undo our changes to the transformation
    # ^^^^ HERE ^^^^
    offset += 8
    sunOffset += math.pi * 0.025

The source code for the boat can be found here: gist: boat.py

Available fonts:

The fonts in the latest firmware can be obtained from the sourcecode.

Known problems

  • Rotation of the contents of windows does not work correctly in combination with rotation of the screen itself
  • There is no method available to list the fonts available on your platform
  • There is no method for providing a custom font
  • There is no anti-aliassing support
Last modified March 23, 2025: Added testing status (03f21d3)