Non Volatile Storage

This page describes the Non-Volatile-Storage (NVS) functions of the machine API. This NVS is used to store settings such as WiFi credentials and your nickname.

The NVS storage is a function of the ESP-IDF which allows for settings to be stored in a special partition on the flash of the ESP32 and is ment for small quantities of data. If you want to store large(er) amounts of data we suggest you use the filesystem functions of MicroPython to store your data on the FAT partition instead.


nvs_set_u8[space], [key], [value]Store an unsigned 8-bit value
nvs_get_u8[space], [key]Retrieve an unsigned 8-bit value
nvs_set_u16[space], [key[, [value]Store an unsigned 16-bit value
nvs_get_u16[space], [key]Retreive an unsigned 16-bit value
nvs_setint[space], [key], [value]Store a signed integer value
nvs_getint[space], [key]Retreive a signed integer value
nvs_setstr[space], [key], [value]Store a string
nvs_getstr[space], [key]Retreive a string
nvs_erase[space], [key]Remove an entry from the NVS
nvs_erase_all[space]Remove all entries in a space from the NVS

NVS settings used by the firmware

The following list describes the settings stored by the firmware.

ownernickstringThe nickname of the owner of the badge
systemdefault_appstringThe app/egg launched on powerup

NVS settings for your app

Please use the slug name of your app as the name of the space used to store your settings.



Reading the nickname

import nvs
nickname = nvs.nvs_getstr("owner", "nickname")
print("Your nickname is '{}'!".format(nickname))

Setting the nickname

import nvs
nvs.nvs_setstr("owner", "nickname", "")
Last modified March 23, 2025: Added testing status (03f21d3)