The term API allows you to make more advanced use of the serial console.
Command | Parameters | Description |
goto | x, y | Move the cursor to (x, y) |
home | - | Move the cursor to (1, 1) |
clear | - | Clear the terminal |
color | [foreground], [backgrund], [style] | Set the color used for writing to the terminal |
header | [clear], [text] | Prints a header on the top of the screen. Optionally clears the screen. You can include your own text to be added after the device name. |
menu | title, items, [selected], [text], [item-width] | Shows a menu with a specified title and menu-items. The selected menu item can be set. If not set the first item will be selected by default. Optionally a text can be provided which gets printed at the top of the menu screen. If the maximum string length of one of the menu options exceeds 32 characters a different length may be provided to make the menu options match in length. The fuction returns the location of the selected menu-item. This function is blocking. |
prompt | prompt, x, y, [buffer] | Prompt for text to be entered by the user. The prompt will appear at (x, y) and before the prompt the prompt text will appear. If a buffer is provided the text buffer will contain the provided value. This function is blocking. |
setPowerManagement | pointer to the power-management task | By providing a pointer to the power-management task running in your app this function will reset the timer to 5 minutes each time the user changes his selection in the menu shown by the menu() function. This was mainly intended as an internal function and a more refined version will probably be defined somewhere in the future… |